关于礼物的英语名言 礼物的英语单词

2024-05-03 1338 明贵知识网

1. "The greatest gift is not found in a store or under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends." - Cindy Lew

2. "The best gift you can give someone is your time, your attention, and your love." - Unknown

3. "The joy of giving is greater than the joy of receiving." - Unknown

4. "A small gift, given with love, can bring great joy." - Unknown

5. "The gift of laughter is the best gift of all." - Unknown

6. "The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence." - Thich Nhat Hanh

7. "The gift of kindness can change someone's day, and even their life." - Unknown

8. "The best gifts are those that come from the heart, not from the store." - Unknown

9. "A gift is not just about the object, but about the thought and love behind it." - Unknown

10. "The true value of a gift is not in its price, but in the sentiment behind it." - Unknown

关于礼物的英语名言 扩展

child is the best gift which god gives yo u. 孩子是老天给予的最好礼物。

